In 2022, His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB requested a review of youth ministry in the Archdiocese of Perth, involving several key stakeholders. This led to a new mandate for Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM), the official agency for Catholic youth in Perth. A new target operating model was established, focusing on a dynamic approach for youth ministry. In response to this a core initiative was identified that a new model needed to be developed to rebuild the Catholic Youth Network. This aligns with the Pope's call for a Synod on Synodality and the Archbishop's initiative for an Archdiocesan Pastoral Council.

A Catholic Youth Council (CYC) will be established to provide a "voice for youth" and a supportive space for those in youth leadership. Its purpose, to facilitate collaboration and address the unique challenges faced by those in youth ministry.

The CYC will serve to empower those engaged with youth in our archdiocese by fostering a network for collaboration and mutual support. It will stand as a voice for young people in our communities, providing a forum for discussion to address significant issues, make decisions, and evaluate initiatives. Through a structured approach of planning, implementation, and review, we can work together to achieve more and share a unified vision and mission for youth ministry.

The development of this council is a key project and aligns with the broader goals of parish renewal. The CYC will actively contribute to the revitalisation and engagement of our youth spaces, to foster a vibrant and welcoming community within the Perth Archdiocese. The aim is to move towards creating greater opportunity for sharing resources and development of larger scale events, through better collaboration and support.  

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