The CYC is founded on three pillars of support: Discipleship, Communion and Mission. This approach is designed to provide a structured path and clarity for those engaging in the council, to help identify the distinct roles of stakeholders and where they are called to serve.

Discipleship – Journeying together in faith

Discipleship represents the holistic journey of individuals walking together in faith, strengthening their profound sense of belonging to the Catholic Church. It involves a commitment to living out the teachings of Christ through shared prayer, learning, and active participation in the Church's life. Members of this pillar in the council would include youth, young adults, groups, movements, and faith communities.

Communion – Sacramental life and faith formation

Communion embodies a comprehensive engagement with the sacramental life of the Church and underscores the vital connection between the faithful and the teachings of Catholicism. This pillar entails active participation in the liturgy, the reception of the Eucharist, and ongoing commitment to faith formation. Members of this pillar in the council include clergy, religious individuals, and those actively involved in faith formation ministries.

Mission – Serving others for a greater good

Mission is a call to selflessly serve others, guided by a profound moral obligation and a vision for the betterment of future generations and the broader community. It involves active engagement in social service and a commitment to being instruments of Christ’s love and compassion. Members of this pillar in the council include organisations and agencies engaged in evangelisation, social services, and outreach.

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